Dungarvan Hillwalking

Club Constitution

1. Objectives of the Club

1.1 To promote the interests of walking and mountaineering amongst the members of the club.

1.2 To provide an opportunity to the members of the club to meet and participate in walking and mountaineering activities together.

1.3 To act on behalf of and in the interests of club members.

1.4 To promote awareness of the need to maintain access, conservation and protection of the mountain and woodland environment.

2. Members of the Club

2.1 Membership of the Club shall be on the basis of individual or family membership and only paid up members shall be allowed to walk.

2.2 Members shall be aware of and accept the risk of personal injury involved in such activities and agree to be responsible for their own actions and involvement.

2.3 Club members under the age of 18 years shall not be allowed to participate in Club activities unless accompanied by either parent or guardian who shall also be a Club member. They will also need Mountaineering Ireland insurance as this is on individual basis only. Members between 16 and 18 years can participate on B & C walks accompanied by a parent or guardian. Members under 16 years can participate on C walks only accompanied by a parent or guardian.

2.4 Club membership is not open to persons under 18 years of age on an individual basis.

2.5 The leader reserves the right to refuse anyone to participate on any club walk.

3. Management of the Club

3.1 The Management of the club shall be entrusted to the club committee, hereinafter referred to as “The Committee”.

3.2 Members shall abide by Club Guidelines. Any member failing to do so, wilfully damaging property, or otherwise bringing the Club or members into disrepute, or acting against the interests of the Club, shall be liable to be summarily suspended or removed from the roll of members by the Committee. The reasons for such sanction must be announced at the earliest agreed Club Meeting. Such sanction may be overturned by a resolution passed by a majority of no less than three-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a subsequent General Meeting of which due notice has been given.

4. Officers of the Club

4.1 The elected officers of the club shall be the Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the P.R.O.

4.2 Voting for the election of officers shall take place at the AGM, which shall take place no later than the last day of October.

5. Committee of the Club

5.1 The Chairperson of the Club will normally preside at and chair all meetings of the Committee and will be responsible for reporting to the membership at the Club’s AGM.

5.2 The Committee shall be composed of the Officers of the Club plus Vice-Chairperson, Membership Secretary, Childrens Officer, Environmental Officer, Thursday Walks Co-Ordinator, “A” “B” “C” Walks Committee & Comeragh Crossing Committee.

5.3 The Club Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence relating to Club affairs and the taking of minutes at Committee meetings and the distribution of same to Club members. The Secretary shall also be responsible for announcing the date of the AGM and shall give 30 days notice of such a meeting and its agenda. The Committee may, whenever it thinks fit, and shall, on a requisition made by five or more members, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). Seven days notice of such a meeting shall be given by the Secretary to all members, and the business for which the meeting is called shall be stated.

5.4 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of Club subscriptions and will account for any other income and expenditure on behalf of the Club.

5.5 The Committee shall meet at a mutually agreeable time, prior to the monthly meeting of members to discuss any club business.

5.6 The Club membership shall meet on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss Club business.

5.7 It shall be the responsibility of the Walks Committees to arrange Club walks and provide suitable Guides/Leaders.

5.8 It will be the responsibility of the P.R.O to endeavour to promote all Club activities at every available opportunity.

6. Club Subscriptions

6.1 The committee shall have the power to set membership levels and visitors registration levels for the club on an annual basis.

7. Rules of the Club

7.1 The committee shall have the power to set club rules and will in turn present them to the club membership for acceptance or rejection.


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